by Gabriella | 20.07.2023 | Cultural Understanding, Emotional Well-being, Empowerment, Inner Harmony, Mindfulness, Personal Growth, Relationships, Self-Discovery, Social Awareness, Spiritual Development
In a world where we often focus on our differences, it is essential to pause and reflect on the common thread that connects us all: our shared humanity. Our experiences, emotions, and desire for happiness and fulfillment unite us. We all want the same thing,...
by Gabriella | 06.07.2023 | Empowerment, Mental Health, Relationships, Self-Development
In life, we often encounter individuals who consistently adopt the role of the victim. They tend to see themselves as powerless and at the mercy of external circumstances, blaming others or the past for their current situation. Recognizing the victim mentality and...
by Gabriella | 13.04.2023 | Empathy and Compassion, Mindfulness, Personal Growth, Relationships, Self-Reflection, Spirituality
Judgement-Free Life Have you ever heard and noticed that the way we judge the world around us says more about ourselves than the thing we are judging? When we judge someone or something, we are actually projecting our own insecurities, fears, and biases onto the...