by Gabriella | 07.12.2023 | Meditation, Mindfulness, Self-Improvement
In the theater of the mind, the ego takes center stage, narrating stories that shape our perception of self. Calming this incessant storyteller is a transformative act, and meditation offers a stage where the ego’s monologue softens into a serene dialogue with...
by Gabriella | 18.05.2023 | Emotional Healing, Mental Health, Personal Growth, Self-Acceptance, Self-Discovery, Trauma and Healing
In this blog post, we delve into the profound importance of authenticity. You will read about how it shapes our overall well-being. We explore the significance of knowing ourselves, free from fear and societal pressures. We also touch upon the impact of traumas...
by Gabriella | 13.04.2023 | Empathy and Compassion, Mindfulness, Personal Growth, Relationships, Self-Reflection, Spirituality
Judgement-Free Life Have you ever heard and noticed that the way we judge the world around us says more about ourselves than the thing we are judging? When we judge someone or something, we are actually projecting our own insecurities, fears, and biases onto the...